Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Agenda Item 22
Date of meeting: 26 January 2022
Report of: Executive Lead, Strategy, Governance & Law
Contact Officer: Name: Giles Rossington
Tel: 01273 295514
Ward(s) affected: All
1.1 This report presents information on the recent Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection of surgery and maternity services at the Royal Sussex County Hospital (RSCH), and on University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust (UHS) actions in response to the CQC’s findings.
2.1 That Committee notes the information included in this report.
3.1 The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the statutory regulator of NHS services. Part of the CQC’s role is to inspect NHS providers; this includes both a rolling programme of inspections and more targeted inspections of specific services in response to concerns raised.
3.2 The CQC rates services as either ‘outstanding’, ‘good’, ‘requires improvement’ or ‘inadequate’. The CQC aggregates service ratings to give an overall rating for every provider.
3.3 University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust (UHS) provides acute and specialist healthcare services across a number of sites in Sussex including general hospitals in Chichester, Worthing, Hayward’s Heath, and Brighton.
3.4 In September and October 2021, the CQC conducted unannounced focused inspections of UHS maternity services at Chichester, Worthing, Hayward’s Heath, and the Royal Sussex County Hospital (RSCH) in Brighton. The CQC also inspected surgery services at the RSCH. The inspections were undertaken in response to concerns received about the safety and quality of the services. These included staff whistleblowing, patient complaints and information from other healthcare partners.
3.5 The CQC published its inspection report on December 10th 2021. Maternity services at St. Richards Hospital, Chichester, and at Worthing Hospital were rated as ‘requires improvement’ (previously rated ‘outstanding’). Maternity services at Princess Royal Hospital, Hayward’s Heath, were rated as ‘requires improvement’ (previously rated ‘good’). Maternity and surgery services at RSCH were rated ‘inadequate’ (previously rated ‘good’).
3.6 The CQC notes that this is the first inspection of the Trust since the merger of WSHT and BSUH, highlighting some issues with integration across the new organisation.
3.7 The CQC report on RSCH is included as Appendix 1 to this report. The CQC report contains more detailed findings with regard to RSCH surgery and maternity services.
3.8 UHS has already undertaken a number of actions in response to the CQC’s findings. These include renewed efforts to recruit as well as:
· Reinforcement of infection prevention and control compliance, including
weekly audits and a new escalation policy to manage theatre activity.
· The appointment of a Director of Midwifery.
· A clinically-led review and reduction in incident backlogs.
· Engagement and listening events held for staff in surgery and maternity to
· hear and understand concerns.
· Developing further workforce and wellbeing action plans.
· Greater visibility of senior leadership.
· Renewed focus on staff training.
· Review of and investment in the Trust’s governance systems.
3.10 More information on UHS improvement plans is included as Appendix 2 to this report.
3.11 There is no prescribed role for HOSCs in terms of responding to CQC inspections of local providers. However, HOSCs do typically seek to work with NHS Trusts with ‘inadequate’ ratings in order to seek assurances that robust improvement plans are implemented.
4.1 Not relevant to this report for information.
5.1 None undertaken.
6.1 Members are asked to note information about the recent CQC inspection of maternity and surgery services at RSCH and the Trust’s improvement planning in response to the CQC’s findings.
7.1 There are no financial implications for Brighton & Hove City Council to this report to note.
8.1 There are no legal implications to this report to note
Name of lawyer consulted: Elizabeth Culbert Date consulted 29/12/2021
9.1 There are none to this report to note.
10.1 Not relevant for this report to note which focuses on the quality of current provision rather than plans to make changes to services.
11.1 None for this report to note
Supporting Documentation
1. CQC Inspection Report on RSCH maternity and surgery services (10 Dec 2021)
2. Additional information on improvement planning provided by UHS.